SPS Deep Dive – Acropora Lokani

by | Aug 5, 2017 | Corals, Reef, Science | 0 comments

acropora lokani


One of my favorite corals of all time is the Acropora Lokani. This deepwater beauty has sturdy main branches that run horizontal with thin, small branches that shoot up. It is a smooth skin SPS with polyps at the end of its branches. The more popular pieces have a nice purple or blue coloration but you will also see them with a cream or brown color.

One of the more sought after Lokanis is the “20,000 Leagues Lokani”, which picked up its deepwater nickname from the famous novel and film, ‘20,000 Leagues Under the Sea’. The colony I had in my 225g tank was a maricultured piece I bought sight unseen from an online retailer. It was sold to me as a Purple Monster but it turned MORE


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