Strange Deep Sea Fish Found In India

by | May 5, 2014 | Fish, Photography, Science | 3 comments

Apparently the first week of May was a worldwide week of catching unusual specimens. This find is just too interesting not to share.india Just a day after writing about the rare Goblin Shark caught off the coast of Key West, fisherman in India have caught a rare deep sea fish known as Rhinochimaera. Fisherman in the South Sea were netting for lobster 40 miles south of Pamban, India when they pulled in the unusual looking fish. Here is rare footage of the elusive fish filmed by the NOAA Okeanos Explorer last year.



Source: The Hindu by D.J. Walter Scott

  • Francis Yupangco

    Francis is a marine biologist with an MBA and over 20 years of professional aquarium experience. Francis is the former Aquatic Development Manager at Hagen USA., makers of Fluval brand aquarium products. He co-stars on Nat Geo WILD's reality TV series Fish Tank Kings where he is the resident "Fish Geek" and was Director of Marketing at Living Color Aquariums. He is an avid explorer having visited over 45 countries and lived in 7. At 17, he was among the youngest aquarists ever hired by the Vancouver Aquarium, where he worked for 7 years. His aquatic biology experience ranges from larval fish rearing to the design, construction and operational management of renowned public aquariums around the world. Francis is currently head of marketing at the world's largest vertically integrated fish farming company.

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  1. Sandra Barnes

    How much u wanna bet it didnt get thrown back into the sea…rare fish..probably dead fish now 🙁 sad that it wasnt returned to ocean to keep being a rare fish.

  2. Tony Brillon

    I dunno, that dead fish he’s holding looks like it was on its way out anyway. It looks nothing like the one in the video, which means most likely the one they caught was probably sick and dying, which is how they caught it.


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