Have You Stumbled Upon Your Sole Mate? Looking To Make It O-Fishal?

by | Jan 9, 2015 | Fish, Tanks, Too Cute | 0 comments


Ah, the age old adage, “there’s plenty of fish in the sea” (ok, “Belinda the Single Fish” might have a less than optimistic look on that semblance, but no one likes a party-pooper). Now, if you’re lucky enough to have happened upon that one perfect little fishy just for you in the whole deep blue, and you’re head-over-heels madly in love and want to make an extravagant, whimsical gesture of romance and spend the rest of your lives swimming side-by-side together, this might just be the perfect way to do just that.

London’s Sea Life Aquarium in Manchester is now offering a lovey-dovey little package for lobsters looking to clasp claws with a price tag of £250.Your day will begin with a behind-the-scenes tour of the aquarium, where you and your intended can squee at baby animals, learn about filtration and plumbing (swoon), and just get a general feel for the inner-workings of the facility.Then, you’ll be led of to a secluded area, facing a glass box of stunning sea life with a masked, bipedal intruder (scuba diver) lurking up from the depths with a custom sign – “Will You Marry Me”? The folks in the video above got a little fancy and went for a dive themselves (for which I’m assuming there’s an additional fee).

2479D11000000578-2900397-For_this_once_in_a_lifetime_proposal_a_diver_will_hold_up_a_pers-m-84_1420648797020With that £250, you get to keep the sign! You also get half a bottle of Champagne, flowers and a commemorative photograph. But honestly what you get here is something you can’t really put a price on – an unforgettable experience and a magical story you get to tell every time someone asks for the “when”s, “how”s and “where”s of your fairy tale.

No word yet on pricing if you want the scuba diver to harpoon you some divorce papers.

  • Caitlin Nichole

    I'm a New York Reef Enthusiast and Fish Nerd, amateur photographer, dog lover, beer brewer/drinker, cocktail mixer, semi-seasoned chef, Prosecco Indulging, lightly foul-mouthed, slightly antagonistic, sorta-artistic, wordy bookworm of a girl. Dog mommy of three, an Abyssinian dubbed "Mau", plus one Dwarf Cuttlefish and a few Clarions. I have a tattoo of an Octopus with flowers on my rear. I ride my bike to the beach and sip bourbon with a good (reef) book while watching the waves. I like to think I'm witty and charming - but I'll let you decide.

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