Stunning chalk pastel fish portraits

by | Jun 28, 2013 | Advanced Aquarist | 0 comments


About the artist in his own words:

I was born and raised in Africa. The bush is in my blood, and for as long as I can remember that is where I have found the most happiness. Educated in Zimbabwe, at Christian Brothers College, I pursued my artistic career at Rhodes University in South Africa. There I earned a Bachelor of Fine Arts (Honours) with Distinction, also winning the Purvis Prize for highest Honours practical results. I have sold artworks to wildlife enthusiasts across the globe, and strive to hone my style and my skills through each new medium. My grounding in the bush, and my affinity for wildlife help me capture the ‘essence’ of the animal, by understanding the behaviour and habitat I strive to create an emotion around the artwork, not just a photographic reproduction. I will always be an African, and I will always keep this wild continent close to my heart, and close to my work.



Make sure to visit Luca’s website for more of his jaw-dropping nature artwork and photography.  We guarantee you will not be disappointed (except perhaps that there isn’t enough art and photos to browse).

More fish art, Mr. Grant!  Pretty please!


[via reddit/r/aquariums]


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