Stylophora: Achieve that SPS Aesthetic with Less-Demanding Corals

by | Jul 14, 2016 | Corals, Reef, Science | 0 comments

Stylophora are a less-challenging SPS coral that still provides a similar aesthetic to more difficult species

Stylophora are branching small-polyp stony corals from the Family Pocilloporidae. Stylophora shares that family with Pocillopora and Seriatopora, and the three together are the only genera in the family. As a result of their close relationship to one another, all three of these genera share quite a lot in common. What is immediately obvious is that their appearance is very similar. They are all bushy, branching corals, and even on close inspection, their polyps are nearly indistinguishable. So, this is one of the rare instances where observing the whole colony is more helpful than taking a close look. Stylophora vs. Pocillopora vs. MORE

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