by Reef To Rainforest | Nov 7, 2013 | Fish, Science
Print of a coldwater marine aquarium from Philip Henry Gosse’s 1855 book, A Handbook to the Marine Aquarium The Horniman Museum’s Victorian Parlor Tank features coldwater marinelife native to the United Kingdom. It’s a modern day riff on the legendary works of British naturalist and marine biologist Philip Henry Gosse, who is credited as inventing the word “aquarium” to replace the phrase “aquatic vivarium”. Unlike Gosse in the 1800s, this modern tank features a remote life support system with nothing but the best to ensure a stable, healthy environment. This video from the Manchester Museum’s Youtube channel gives you a quick overview and behind the scenes look at what it takes to bring antiquity back to life. Philip Henry Gosse’s 1855 book, A Handbook to the Marine Aquarium, is available to read online in a myriad formats including downloadable pdfs. While it’s not quite like owning the real thing, it’s a fascinating glimpse into our past. Video Credit – The Manchester Museum Thanks to Steve Waldron for bringing this to our attention. by Reef To Rainforest | Nov 4, 2013 | Fish, Science This is the 630-gallon (2,400-L) featured reef in the Aquarium Portrait department of the November/December Issue of CORAL, written by Ab Ras. Owner Urbain Appeltans is a noted European filmmaker whose aquarium has been honored as Reef Aquaarium of the Year in Belgium. Lighting supplied by banks of Aqua Ilumination (AI) Sol LED units. Credits: Video: Stuart Bertram’s YouTube Channel / D-D the Aquarium Solution. Aquarium: Urbain Appeltans, Opglabbeek, Belgium by Reef To Rainforest | Sep 16, 2013 | Corals, MACNA, Photography A live postcard from MACNA 2013 in South Florida, this short video by John Carlin catches the flavor of the exhibition hall, where startling corals, tiny cuttlefish and marine salesmanship vied for the attention of an estimated 2,500 attendees—a record turnout in the 25-year history of the event. CREDITS Video: John Carlin | Fincasters Channel | YouTube MACNA 2013: Florida Marine Aquarium Society by Reef To Rainforest | Sep 6, 2013 | Aquaculture, Fish Despite the arid environment, Arava Research and Development Center in Israel produces captive-bred freshwater and marine aquarium fish, mainly for the European market. For more information – Credit: ISRAEL21cdotcom Thanks to Adam Pierce for bringing this to our attention. by Reef To Rainforest | Aug 1, 2013 | Invertebrates, Photography Speed Kills: The Fastest Punch in the World This is an excellent, must-see video including a 3D animation of the mechanics of the smashing mechanisms displayed by Peacock Mantis Shrimp, Odontodactylus scyllarus. Imagine an invertebrate predator cast in adamantium, the indestructible metal alloy of Superheroes, and this is what you might get. Credit: The Smithsonian Institution Smithsonian Channel | YouTube