The downloadable magazine issues are back!

by | Nov 11, 2011 | Advanced Aquarist | 0 comments

It’s taken months but we have finally caught up with our downloadable magazine issues. Hooray!

The downloads are available at and contain all of our magazine issues from October 2011 all the way back to March 2009. Each downloadable issue includes a PDF, Kindle and Nook/Kobo/ePub version (where indicated) and cost only $0.99 per issue. It is a very modest price and the funds go back into our site to help continue bringing you all the great content that publish daily for your reading enjoyment.

If you prefer a hard copy version instead, we also offer our issues in book form from  These editions are full color and are available from 2006 to 2010 with the 2011 editions coming soon.

Support Advanced Aquarist by purchasing an issue today!


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