UNDERABOVE takes photos of you stomping on the reefs

by | Jul 26, 2011 | Corals, Equipment, Reef | 1 comment

The UNDERABOVE camera is a pretty cool concept for people who like to take photos in the water.  Basically it is two cameras in one, connected to a floating “bobber” like housing that takes photos from both cameras at once and allows you to stitch them together on your computer.  While still in the concept phase of development, keep your fingers crossed it will be available to capture the coral stomping on your next Snorkel Bob vacation. LINK

  • Josh Saul

    Josh Saul is a technology consultant for large global banks. He has been involved in the aquarium hobby for 20 years and has been SCUBA diving for more than 30.

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1 Comment

  1. Marc Levenson

    Sure would be handy if I was in Fiji. 😉


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