Update on Adam’s Tank. Adding Control 2 the mix.

by | Nov 30, 2020 | Equipment, Tanks, Video | 0 comments

First of all, Happy belated Thanksgiving guys!

We have so many things to be grateful for, and even though this has been a rough year for many, I hope that you all had a wonderful holiday with your family surrounded by mountains of good food.

A few weeks back, I released the video that I shot with Adam and his new build, which I and my friends in the industry put together. My friends from CoralVue saw the video and reached out to me personally because they wanted to help Adam, and send an aquarium support package. I am super thankful to all my friends who have such an amazing hearts that are doing this to help others.

So! What was in it? I’m sure that from my corny title, you can guess- for those of you that are following current events in the reefing world, know that the Hydros controller system is CoralVue’s latest and greatest new thing coming out of their Louisiana headquarters. They graciously donated their Control 2 package as well as their ATO package, so that Adam and his dad’s life will be a lot easier, in terms of maintaining this aquarium.

I was ready to shoot this with DSLR and had lots of plans to shoot this and shoot that, but when I arrived, I found out that Adam was bedridden because of the chronic headaches that he endures. (He still wanted me to come over so I could help install everything for him.) All the plans went out the window, and I decided to do the install as quickly as possible, film a few things, and leave him resting/staring at his aquarium. So I apologize for the lack of b-rolls, additional footage of him playing with the system, and Adam giving you guys tips and advice. Overall, this is not up to my my usual video standards, but his comfort meant more to me than the quality of the video. I hope you guys understand.

Without further delay, please enjoy the update on Adam’s tank. It’s getting better and better each time we go there and hopefully it will turn into a masterpiece that he will be proud of!


  • Afishionado

    Afishionado : a person who likes, knows about, and appreciates a usually fervently pursued interest or activity. (In this case, fish, corals and reef keeping). We are group of passionate hobbyists who are all about educating, creating innovative contents and providing eye popping visuals for hobbyists of all levels.

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