AlgaGen New PhycoPure Encourages Coral Feeding Response

by | Jun 19, 2013 | Aquaculture, Corals | 1 comment

phyco pure

I love reviewing new products but frequently have this daunting fear I may dislike the product, or find negative results from testing it in a real life situation. This clearly was not the case with AlgaGen’s new product PhycoPure Zooxanthellae. My first impression was amazement and elation. I often find nutrient spikes with many liquid foods so I took the time to measure PO4 and NO3 levels in the test aquarium prior to any additions. The test vessel is a mature 180 gallon high energy reef. The recommended dose by the manufacturer was approximately a half bottle of the product for this application. I wanted to be certain this was not a nutrient bomb that would possibly raise the phosphates and nitrates significantly in the system. I was pleased to find no measurable rise in PO4 or NO3 after 3 consecutive days of usage. I did however find some amazing polyp extension and darkening of pigmentation in most corals. The polyp extension and visible mesenterial filaments indicated a favorable response in the animals and was eagerly accepted by most corals in the test aquarium. I give this product a big thumbs up and will be using it in my personal aquariums. The feeding response is visible on these Acanthastrea lordhowensis only several minutes after the PhycoPure Zooxanthellae addition.


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