Diving the Reefs of Anilao, Philippines
Text and Photos By J. Charles Delbeek During the summer of 2007 I was fortunate to be invited to join a workshop of coral experts organized by the International... Read more.

Aquarium Fish Longevity
By J. Charles Delbeek M.Sc. (1) and John E. Randall PhD (2) 1. Senior Biologist, California Academy of Sciences, Steinhart Aquarium 2.Professor Emeritus, Bishop... Read more.

Pioneers: Charles Delbeek
By Francis Yupangco Charles’ interest for the sea began at an early age. He was captivated watching Jacques Cousteau documentaries in the 1960’s. His journey... Read more.

Observations on Coral Growth
By J. Charles Delbeek, M.Sc. When one thinks of coral reefs, images of gin clear, nutrient poor blue water spring to mind. While there are certainly many examples... Read more.

Rare Fish at the Waikiki Aquarium: A Long History
Founded in 1904, the Waikiki Aquarium is the third oldest public aquarium in the United States. As can well be imagined, during its 102 year history the Aquarium... Read more.

Media Review: A Review Of The Literature
One of the major changes that have occurred in reef keeping over the last 10 years has been the increase in the number of aquarists who feed their corals. There... Read more.

Media Review: A Review of the Literature
Since I last wrote in this column (Octber 2003), much has appeared in the scientific literature. As you can see by the several pages of references below, many of... Read more.

Media Review: A Review Of The Latest Literature
In this paper, the authors examined the impact on coral growth and reproduction of fish farm effluent in the Gulf of Aqaba (Eilat) in the Red Sea. The commonly held... Read more.

Review: Media of Interest to Aquarists
It is commonly held that depth distributions of stony corals are mediated by environmental factors such as light levels and water motion, as well as biological interactions... Read more.

Media Review: A Review Of The Literature
The January 2003 issue of Limnology and Oceanography (48:1) has a special section, part 2, which contains papers that deal with light in shallow waters including... Read more.