  • Afishionado

    Afishionado : a person who likes, knows about, and appreciates a usually fervently pursued interest or activity. (In this case, fish, corals and reef keeping). We are group of passionate hobbyists who are all about educating, creating innovative contents and providing eye popping visuals for hobbyists of all levels.

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Introducing The Maven from Coralvue – RAP Orlando 2024

Introducing The Maven from Coralvue – RAP Orlando 2024

At Reef A Palooza Orlando, we made a point to visit our friends at Coralvue and delve into their newest flagship product, Maven. This cutting-edge 5-parameter auto-tester is seamlessly integrated into the rapidly expanding Hydros ecosystem. During our visit, we had...

Global Pet Expo 2024 Full Coverage!

Global Pet Expo 2024 Full Coverage!

🌟 Exciting News Alert! 🌟 We're thrilled to announce our return to one of our favorite industry insider shows for an exclusive coverage of the Global Pet Expo. This year marked one of the highest attendance rates in recent memory, and let me tell you, the show was...

Global Pet Expo 2024 Livestream Coverage of the Aquatic Section

Global Pet Expo 2024 Livestream Coverage of the Aquatic Section

The team was invited to Global Pet Expo 24 that started on 3.20.24 and ended today (3.22.24.) One of the largest stateside Pet Expo shows; it is only for industry professionals such as manufacturers, store owners, and distributors, it's a good place to see...

100% Aquacultured, Captive-Bred Exhibit 2024 Update

100% Aquacultured, Captive-Bred Exhibit 2024 Update

For this video, we are taking you back to Frost Museum of Science in Miami, Florida to give you guys an update on the 100% aquacultured, captivebred exhibit. I was in a reflective mood and was checking out the old footage when I saw how far we have come since the...

Geosreef SSE Calcium Reactor Installation Guide

Geosreef SSE Calcium Reactor Installation Guide

Let's face it, setting up new equipment can be a daunting task. Specially when it has the potential that can make or break the aquarium. For this video, I was commissioned by Geosreef to put together a comprehensive, step by step installation video for their SSE...