Light and the Marine Aquarium
By Tim Wijgerde, Ph.D. Light is one of the most discussed topics in the marine aquarium hobby. It is also amongst the most dreaded, due to its complicated nature.... Read more.

Time-lapse photography of marine life
Recently, I was reminded by a friend how great today’s smart phones are for photography. It seems he wasn’t talking about your casual photography, where... Read more.

Mesophotic Coral Reefs: Life in the Deep
Recent scientific findings suggest that these so-called mesophotic reefs can act as refugia for many reef species, including fishes and corals, which may... Read more.

Victorian pioneers of the marine aquarium
“Let the word Aquarium then be the one selected to indicate these interesting collections of aquatic animals and plants, distinguishing it as a Freshwater... Read more.

Experimental aquaculture of Dendronephthya corals
Photographs and videos by Tim Wijgerde, unless stated otherwise.How it all started In 2002, Charles Delbeek published an article about his experiences with Dendronephthya... Read more.

Grow with the Flow
By Tim Wijgerde Text and photographs, by author, unless stated otherwise Cover photo courtesy of Gary L. Parr Why water flow is vital to corals Several decades of... Read more.

Marine Life in Macro
By Tim Wijgerde The colorful appearance of marine life is the main reason why many people choose to maintain a salt water aquarium at home. Phenomena known as iridescence... Read more.

Coral Reproduction: Biology, Challenges and Future Perspectives
Currently, large numbers of fish, corals and other invertebrates are exported annually for the American, European and Asian markets. It is paramount that this trade... Read more.

Aquarium Corals: Amino Acids and Corals: Sources, Roles and Supplementation
Before I go into the relationship between amino acids and corals, I would first like to address the following question: what are amino acids? Basically, amino acids... Read more.

Debunking Aquarium Myths
Looking up the word myth in a dictionary yields several results, including this: a fiction or half-truth, especially one that forms part of an ideology. This suggests... Read more.