CORAL Featured Video: Shane Canellis’ SPS Reef Here’s a very nice SPS reef with thriving corals in a 4x2x2 footprint. (Approximately 120 gallons or 450 L, 120 x 60 x 60 cm.) Interesting sound track is a bonus. Credit: Shane Canellis | YouTube “You can find more info on the tank at Profile ssbk23. ”

Algagen Announces PhycoPure Zooxanthellae

Algagen announced today their new live Zooxanthellae under the Phyco Pure product line.  As you know, Zooxanthellae has a symbiotic relationship with many corals and this product is aimed at potentially bringing older reefs and corals back to a healthy...

Aussie Hammer Varieties

Lots of new colors and patterns showing up in recent Australian Euphyllias, evidenced by this photo from Todd Cherry.  He’s even got the Aussie Yellow Splatter in there for good measure.  It’s hard to believe that corals like this, which grow so well in...

Tubastrea aurea eagerly consuming PE Mysis

These Tubastrea Aurea are 100% tank raised and trained to feed during the day light photoperiod, unlike the natural instincts of this species.  They are fed only during the lighted photoperiod and tend to stay open during this period when conditioned in this...