Monday Archives: Rare Species Have Important Function in Ecological Communities
Typically, there is a greater number of rare species in diverse ecosystems. Because rare species have a small distribution or occur in very small numbers (or bo... Read more.
Monday Archives: Fish Shown to Exhibit Better Decision Making in Groups than as Individuals
It is actually quite simple: a fish joins a large group, it is able to share information about its environment with the group, and it gains a distinctive edge (... Read more.
Monday Archives: Coral Symbionts Found to Act as Food Banks
It is easy to liken coral reefs to tropical rainforests; much like these remarkable terrestrial biological hotspots, coral reef habitats are widely held in awe ... Read more.
Biological Succession and Trophic Structure in the Reef Aquarium (Part 1)
Let’s face it: marine aquaria are eternal works in progress. However large, well-equipped and expertly maintained they may be, they are always capable of ... Read more.
The Carbon Continuum: Heterotrophic Bacterioplankton and Reef Food Webs
For so many aquarists, one of the most satisfying activities is observing trophic interactions amongst the animals in their keep-that is, watching them eat. Som... Read more.
Shedd Aquarium Lungfish Touted as Longest Kept Captive Fish
Public aquaria have been exhibiting live aquatic animals for quite some time. Amazingly, a number of institutions across the world are around centenarian age. P... Read more.
New Coral Species Found in Tasmanian River Estuary
It may be a bit surprising that previously undescribed species can still be discovered in an area such as the rocky reefs of the Tamar River Estuary in Tasmania... Read more.
The Physiology of Coloration in Fishes
By Kenneth Wingerter
Of all of the flora and fauna that can be displayed in aquaria, fish have always, by far, received the most attention. Arguably, the lastin... Read more.
Deepwater Coral Reef Discovered off Coast of Ireland
The deep sea biome is said to be less understood and less explored than the Moon. Nearly any serious expedition into deep sea ecosystems reveals new species, or... Read more.
Rarely-Imported Anthias Brought in by CMA
Basslet enthusiasts and temperate marine aquarists everywhere may rejoice: This week a small handful of healthy, vibrant specimens of the splendid (or swallowta... Read more.