Coralvue announces new Gyre generator by Maxspect

by | May 22, 2014 | Equipment, Industry | 3 comments


These days when we hear the brand Maxspect our minds quickly picture the ever so thin R420R (Razor) LED fixtures. Today Coralvue announced the release of a new product by Maxspect in the water flow realm, the Maxspect Riptide Gyre Generator.reefs.comGyre4


Based on the footprint I’m not convinced this would be a great addition to most large display tanks based on aesthetics alone, but holy frag tank… perfect flow from one device. From the initial pictures they’ll be releasing four sizes to best suit your needs. Coming in hot Summer of this year. More information from Coralvue.reefs.comGyre

  • Austin Lefevre

    Austin Lefevre founded and owns Aqua Box, a group of passionate professionals who bring unique aquarium systems to fruition worldwide and offer fully quarantined and conditioned fishes to the US retail market. Austin has been a bonafide fish nerd for his entire life. When the kids in elementary school were reading Dr. Seuss, Austin was reading Jacques Cousteau. He's been in the aquarium industry since 2002 working in local fish stores, coral farms, and headed up a fish breeding program. He's been an avid SCUBA diver since the age of 12 and consistently seeks new aquatic adventures.

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  1. William Odom

    it is a power head, “shut up and take my money” i want this like 2 weeks ago

  2. Austin Lefevre

    Correct… a powerhead alternative, if you will.

    I did find out that the actual model released will be easier to hide than I initially thought, per Chris Conti of CoralVue, “The Riptide will be made in transparent plastic with a hazed finished so it’ll look translucent when submerged underwater. The rotors will also be using transparent plastic, which isn’t showing up that nicely in the rendered CAD image.”


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