“Why Doesn’t The World Try to Blend in with Me?”: Incredible Stop-Motion Crochet ‘Quadrapus’

by | Jun 25, 2014 | Funny, Reefs in Art, Too Cute | 0 comments

[vimeo 50366872 w=500 h=281]
This video, brought to my attention by The Tentacle, started out quite whimsical and sweet. An adorable crochet ‘Quadrapus’ paints the town Blue, my favorite color, and everything he touches comes to life! I don’t want to give too much away, but the story takes a bit of a dark turn towards the end. I mean, I kept waiting for something to happen or change, and well, the end result is simply haunting. Originally a music video shot for Musician/Solo Artist Wax Tailor, I dare you to watch and not be even slightly impacted.

  • Caitlin Nichole

    I'm a New York Reef Enthusiast and Fish Nerd, amateur photographer, dog lover, beer brewer/drinker, cocktail mixer, semi-seasoned chef, Prosecco Indulging, lightly foul-mouthed, slightly antagonistic, sorta-artistic, wordy bookworm of a girl. Dog mommy of three, an Abyssinian dubbed "Mau", plus one Dwarf Cuttlefish and a few Clarions. I have a tattoo of an Octopus with flowers on my rear. I ride my bike to the beach and sip bourbon with a good (reef) book while watching the waves. I like to think I'm witty and charming - but I'll let you decide.

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