Eliminating Skin Flukes in Saltwater Fish

by | Jul 24, 2018 | Aquaculture, Science | 2 comments

skin fluke

photo provided by Kris Cline – Carolina Aquatics

Skin Flukes are one of the most common parasites found on saltwater fish. Unfortunately they are also one of the most overlooked parasites. These nasty buggers feast on the skin and mucus of many common aquarium fish including; wrasses, tangs, angelfish, rabbitfish, triggers, butterflyfish, sturgeon fish and more.

Flukes are sometimes difficult to locate on many fish so the not so well informed aquarist will purchase a fish, get it home and simply add their new found friend to their fish tank. This is risky business, imprudent, and  sometimes a very costly mistake. Too ofter we hear stories like: “Yea I went to this fish store and bought a fish from them. The next thing I know, all my MORE

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  1. Wayne

    Can flukes live on the live rock and coral ?? Also what about cuc can they latch on to them

  2. Wayne

    Can flukes live on my rock and corals I’ve removed the fish to QT to treat and will my CUC be ok to move to my new upgrade


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