Flying Squirrel Suits Get an Aquatic Counterpart

by | Mar 20, 2012 | Equipment, Funny, Industry, Science | 0 comments

Odds are that most of you have seen this viral video of Jeb Corliss hitting terminal velocity (120mph) and skimming only a few feet over a pile of rocks and thought “I can do that!”  Most of us will never don a flying squirrel suit or challenge the extent of our own self preservation.  At the very least, I would guess most of us who watched that video did entertain the thought of throwing ourselves off a cliff while wearing an aerodynamic “onesie” and a parachute for a few seconds.  Is it the idea of personal flight that scares you or is it the idea of doing it at 120mph with nothing but hopes and dreams between you and a sudden impact with the ground?  What if I told you there was a far tamer and safer (sort of) but possibly just as awesome way of acheiving that flying feeling while staying within our aquatic comfort zone?

Subwing is responsible for this “OH, why didn’t I think of that!” piece of equipment.  Currently available in fiberglass or the uber sexy and timeless carbon fiber (glossy or matte finish), this will definitely be filed under the “need” column.  Also filed under the “need” column will be the boat necessary to pull you and the device through the water.  Although, starting at just $700 for the base fiberglass model and the glossy carbon flirting with $900 before accessories like a tow rope ($40) or GoPro camera mount ($50), it might be more cost effective to just purchase a Subwing and befriend someone with a boat (beer is cheap).

On a serious note though, I would definitely advise anyone planning on using this to wear some sort of body protection, like a wetsuit.  You could easily get snagged or scrape against a rock and cause VERY serious damage or expose yourself to a life threatening infection.  I guess the safest way to use this would be to bolt it to the wall of a large pool or tank and attach several Hydro Wizards to the same wall, bypassing the need for a boat or friends.


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