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I'd like to explain a few things with the pellets:

1. Most tank crashes....

2. Bacteria population....,

3. If you dose mb7 or zeobak....

4. Most problems also arise because either too little or too much flow.....

5. The bacteria will definitely....

6. Choice of reactor is essential....

7. Like any other ULNS method, good husbandry is absolutely key ....

I hope this helped!

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+1 Yes to all the points, well maybe not 6 :) mine reator is doing a great job.


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Will do ant told me the same thing about your tank will love to see it mybe me and anthony can come by . Hay harry are you using the np pro pellets or the np pellets

So many brands of pellets now. I started with NP Pellets, then just added NPX from tito. I'm concerned because I went against my own theory, that if something is working well for me stick with it n dont change anything. However I was running very low on the original NPP n needed another 500ml. I dumped in the entire 500ml, so lets see what happens.

BTW its been a few days since i put the NPX, no harm



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long island
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yeah but see that is the thing how many pellets do I use and also how is the flow in the chamber have to be, and what reactor do you buy all these questions.

Gus told me it is ok if I put them into a 2 little fish reactor and then run it like that


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long island
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well the po4 will not return because if you have good ro water and no po4 in it then you are pretty much putting clean non po4 water in the tank.

As for the dosing I am going to stop for a week and see what happens I know the tank will not be bad at all but I started to see some algie on the rocks and it is annotying me hence the silicates.

But the bio pellets I want to use insted of zeo for the fact that I need to know how many do I add and what reactor to use and also water movment

as for my trates they are zero


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Long Island
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Just start with the recommended amount on the packaging.

If you stop your mb7 biofuel dosing, your PO4 will begin to rise.

Also, if you are experiencing algae growth, then there is probably PO4 in your water. Your test is reading 0 because the algae is consuming it. I take it you are using a photometer to measure the PO4?

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long island
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I have no po4 I am using the hanna meeter. I have some algie growth in the tank. I think it is cause of the dosing, I am not going to dose for a week and see from there.

As for the po4 if there is none in the system and I checked the rodi water with a tds it read zero and also the hanna read zeor so I am not worried about putting po4 in the tank because there is no source for it.

Just start with the recommended amount on the packaging.

If you stop your mb7 biofuel dosing, your PO4 will begin to rise.

Also, if you are experiencing algae growth, then there is probably PO4 in your water. Your test is reading 0 because the algae is consuming it. I take it you are using a photometer to measure the PO4?

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Long Island
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anthony27 said:
well the po4 will not return because if you have good ro water and no po4 in it then you are pretty much putting clean non po4 water in the tank...

I think you are confusing silicates and PO4. PO4 has no connection with good or bad RO water. PO4 is the end product of the natural breakdown of organic matter. Food, fish waste, coral metabolic waste, and decaying organic matter will all produce PO4. Algae and bacteria depend on PO4 as a nutrient source to grow.

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