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I can't seem to decide which sump design i like. Any opinions.

option one - lines from tank into sump + skimmer which flows into mag12 return which i T off into refugium

option two - lines from tank into sump then to refugium, then to skimmer + mag12 return

or option 3 , which I was thinking maybe no baffles at all?

need to decide today so i can call glass place and get them to cut baffles


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Woodside, Queens
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I'm using option 1 but with the drains split instead of the return. I'm using a smaller pump and don't want to lose the flow back into the tank. Also over-under-over baffle after the skimmer. You should be fine with 1 baffle after the fuge since it should be low flow.


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Woodside, Queens
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Another observation is that with the pump feeding the fuge most of the nutrients would be already skimmed. Which I guess means less for the fuge to take care of.


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San Juan, PR
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my sump is like #2 except i have the return where your drain is and the drain where your return is. i don't see how all those baffles are effective when you have your skimmer in the same compartment as your return. aren't you gonna get microbubbles? that's why i keep my skimmer in the drain compartment


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shouldnt you skim BEFORE the fuge? to avoid skimming out all the benefits of the fuge?
i would think Drain > Skim > Fuge > Return.
Fuge can also serve to release the bubbles from the skimmer.


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alrha - the skimmer before the refugium means that area will be deprived of nutrients. The refugium doesnt put anything into the water, it takes stuff out.

wingo - u are right :)


this is also what i was thinking


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How about Skimmer - Fuge - Return. In this way you get maximum pods and critters exported to your tank without them being skimmed out before they get to the return. Of course the return pump may kill sone pods but at leas they enter the food chain. This is just my opinion. In my sump I have. wet dry+skimmer/ fuge//return.


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With that last design won't you get alot of microbubbles in the display tank?


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drunktank said:
refugium doesnt put anything into the water, it takes stuff out.
this what am i talking about...
dennis said:
How about Skimmer - Fuge - Return. In this way you get maximum pods and critters exported to your tank without them being skimmed out before they get to the return. Of course the return pump may kill sone pods but at least they enter the food chain.


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Chiefmcfuz said:
With that last design won't you get alot of microbubbles in the display tank?

i shouldnt, the 3 baffles should help from the skimmer, i dont see any bubbles coming from refugium, plus i have filter socks on my drains.

this is why i'm asking for everyones input, never really did this before :)

sorry Alrha, sorry, didnt read what you wrote correctly i guess- i'm multi-tasking at work and trying to plan for my new sump !
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If you grow mysis, pods and tiger pods like i do in my fugr believe me it puts and gives organisms a safe haven to reproduce and feed corals, fishes like mandarins and gobies and any other fish that is willing to bite. If uoy do not know what I am talking about you can read "with pictures" Reef Invertibrates an essential guide to selection, care and compatibility.


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When the water flows over the fuge there is not much turbelence in the fuge chamber as you might expect. The cheto and algae growing in the fuge will restrick the flow of water sufficiently enoughe.


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dennis, if i decide to go skimmer - refug- return, which compartment should my tank drain into, i have dual over flows?

i can do sump #1 and just reverse the return and refugium. should i still T off the return to get a lilttle more flow into the refugium?

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