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LOL, shane, did you actually read this thread before you moved it??? ;-)

Mmmm boobies. :P


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Let it be known I tried to answer the question without boobs being referenced in my answer.


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damn, I had a whole post typed out and my damn computer decided to crap out.

To clarify: Vitz, thanks :) I realize siliconing is a pain, that's why I want to avoid it if possible, but I have read that silicone doesn't last forever, and since the tank is empty and dry, it seemed as good a time as any. It has been running and full of freshwater fish for 8 years now. I emptied it last Sunday, took out all the rockwork and sand, sold my catfish (sob) and am re-setting it up as a FOWLR tank. It has a custom hood which will be needing a new ballast soon, but I can do that any ole time. For now, I just want to be sure that setting this tank back up with the 8 year old silicone is okay.

And, a terrible thing just happened...I took my morning shower (nope, no potatoes were involved) and was wandering back on over to my computer to check this thread, and on my way past the tank I tossed my wet towel nonchalantly over the side of it..........8O

Something must be done before my 86g turns into a clothing rack.

PS Hi Shane :) I knew it would degenerate, hence the Sump location. LOL


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be a gentleman, never let a woman Do It Herself, give her a hand :wink:
or if you prefer, hold the potatoe and i will hold the boobies :lol: :lol:


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I have two boobs and two hands, so I'm good, thanks :lol:

But I see so many boobs here who are not being held, who volunteers to hold THEM??


That reminds me, I gotta run off now to my doctors office.
Later, gang :)

Expos Forever

Advanced Reefer
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Hey UL

Another tank! Get help woman! I saw that monster catfish you brought in. If it hasn't leaked yet I see no reason it would now. Had it been sitting empty I'd say you have more to worry about. Are you not working today? I'm supposed to go in to receive the ORA order. Here come the "are these nemo clowns?" questions... :roll:

Avoiding all booby and potatoe comments...


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Erik, it's my day off. I gotta go downtown, I'm just waiting until the worst of the traffic is over with...

Don'tcha love my catfish? Ain't he great? I've had him since he was a friggin INCH long...beautiful creature. Just promise me you won't sell him to the guy in the funny hat, the one that keeps piranha and oscars and has NO clue whatsoever what a water change is.....:roll: Told me he lost all his fish because a feeder goldfish infected his tank....8O

Ok, gotta go. Have fun dripping the nemos. LOL!


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If it ain't broke don't fix it. Shop I used to work at had tanks that were used for DECADES with nary a problem. I think it really helps to have kept water in them pretty much the whole time.
I have resealed more tanks than I can count. Criminy.

I'm at a loss as to why someone would waste a perfectly good potato when you have your finger, though..


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seamaiden":21xfa6cr said:
I'm at a loss as to why someone would waste a perfectly good potato when you have your finger, though..

Because "mashed fingers" hurt?? ;)


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given enough time, silicone will lose it's 'grip' on glass, and peel off w/just a tug-i've seen it happen on tanks less than two years old, that weren't prepped correctly-just takes longer for those done right

i check the silicone on all my own tanks yearly, running along the thinnest part of where the glue seam's edge just start to grab the side of the pane (that really thin layer that spreads out from the actual corner, just for peace of mind

the reason for using potato, and not one's finger, is that the potato is moist, and won't allow the silicone to stick to itself, making a nearly perfectly smooth seam

even w/a wet finger, you will probably have to continually wipe, and rewet it, and the result will be far more sloppy, and uneven

the fit of the arc of the curve of the potato forms the seal seam perfectly-draw a 90° angle, then draw an arc, starting from one side, bowing into the corner, and finishing to the adjacent side

that will give you a bird's eye view of the bead shape as a result :wink:


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Thanks, Vitz. I will practice on something old, if I can find a broken tank lying around somewhere.
The potato idea sounds excellent, too. That's the only part I wasn't looking forward to, smearing silicone with my finger. I'm good and steady, I can lay a nice bead, but the smeary part bugs me. My fingers tend to be very dry, so the potato should do the trick nicely.

aaauuughh. I still don't know if I should or not....I should, but I don't wanna, but I should, but I don't wanna....but I....aieeee.

Ok, I'm gonna toss this coin.


Heads I win!! Okay, the water goes in tonight! If this bastard leaks, I'm gonna hunt Ace down and....;)


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Hey if she is holding her boobies with both hands and still rubbing that patato then it really is a Do It Yourself. :wink:


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Mental levitation... I learned it with the same Sally Struthers correspondence course company that taught me Amerikan.

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