looks great
very nice job
trying to figure out an easier way to bend the frame so it doesn't look like I used it to wack someone on the head with.:fishhit:
some fish can jump through eggcrate as the holes are bigger. also, egg crate is light diffuser, so it weakens your light to coral.
I can agree on the bigger holes but not so sure about the other point. I have my T5s sitting right on on top of it and the light does enter the tank just fine. Eggcrate doesn't waken you light, it diffuses it.
Xoom...some degree of light that would have gone into your tank at an angle is being lost due to the eggcrate. Even the small 1/4 inch height of the eggcrate us cutting out a portion of your lighting.
Hold a pencil in front of a light bulb and see how much of a shadow it casts at a distance that equals the depth of your tank and multiply that times the number of eggcrate spines that are under your light..in both directions....IMO you are losing a fair amount of light.