The only species of host anemone that has a chance of doing well in this tank is a bubble tip, which might be a fine choice in a 6+ month established tank. Ritteri (Magnificent sea anemone), all the carpet anemones (Stichodactyla spp.), sebae, etc. get much, much too large and are much less forgiving. I would avoid all of these other species like the plague in that tank.
Some corals such as the Euphyllia spp., such as frogspawn, torch, hammer, etc. could be a good choice, look rather like anemones, and are often accepted by clownfish as surrogate hosts. Clownfish are easy to care for; host anemones (other that bubble tips) are much more demanding.
Regardless, be sure to take it slow. I wouldn't add any corals, anemones, etc. until that tank has been up and running well for at least a few months. It really needs time to mature before these sorts of animals will do well.