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thanks what do you think would be the best anenome for a platinum clown. cause i want the fish to actually swim in it. I see a lot of clownfish that dont swim in the anenome


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Bridgewater, NJ
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Found this list for perculas

Leathery (Sebae) Sea Anemone (Heteractis crispa), Magnificent Sea Anemone (H. magnifica)
Giant Carpet Sea Anemone (Stichodactyla gigantea), Merten's Carpet Sea Anemone (S. mertensii)
May adapt to Bubble Tip Anemone (Entacmaea quadricolor) and other anemones in aquariums.
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That's depends on what you like.
If you want to see how stunning a pair of ~adult Platinum in person, you are welcomed to come by Flushing.

The white is so solid that they look "powderly"(that is feels there is texture on it) and the black is also solid black. The white does not look the same as the white on a pair of Picasso or Snowflake even both comes from true percs genes.

I may be starting to condition them to breed soon.
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That's depends on what you like.
If you want to see how stunning a pair of ~adult Platinum in person, you are welcomed to come by Flushing.

The white is so solid that they look "powderly"(that is feels there is texture on it) and the black is also solid black. The white does not look the same as the white on a pair of Picasso or Snowflake even both comes from true percs genes.

I may be starting to condition them to breed soon.

how much would the adult platinums cost? ive actually only seen the ORA jueviniles


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For what its worth, If I were even close to buying a pair of clowns, I would wait until Ora has these for sale....



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new jersey
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Yea those black snowflakes are cool lookin and new to the scene as for platniums I loved mines when I had em before I sold em but they took a quick likeing to my rbta and as for color they were rich in color

Chris Jury

Experienced Reefer
Kaneohe, HI
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The only species of host anemone that has a chance of doing well in this tank is a bubble tip, which might be a fine choice in a 6+ month established tank. Ritteri (Magnificent sea anemone), all the carpet anemones (Stichodactyla spp.), sebae, etc. get much, much too large and are much less forgiving. I would avoid all of these other species like the plague in that tank.

Some corals such as the Euphyllia spp., such as frogspawn, torch, hammer, etc. could be a good choice, look rather like anemones, and are often accepted by clownfish as surrogate hosts. Clownfish are easy to care for; host anemones (other that bubble tips) are much more demanding.

Regardless, be sure to take it slow. I wouldn't add any corals, anemones, etc. until that tank has been up and running well for at least a few months. It really needs time to mature before these sorts of animals will do well.


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