Anemones will walk across sand. I have seen BTA's, magnifica,gigantea,mertens,sebea,haddoni,lta all walk across sand.
Anemones basically go anywhere they can walk over, in around anything they want. Sand is or no sand doesnt stop them.
What stops them from moving is appropriate flow, good water and lightening.
Anemone can be grouped in three categories
Sand Dwellers - Haddoni - LTA - Sebea -
Rock Dwellers Mertens - BTA - Magnifica - Gigantea -
Inbetween's LTA - Sebea - Haddoni
With a smaller tank like that your best bet is to stick with small bubbletips like 4 -5 inches.
Also i do not reccomed keeping anemones in tanks with koralias,
vortech(unless constantly covered by foam), Tunze pumps.
I reccommend reef ready tanks with strong returns and waveboxes. There is no chance for shredding.
There are some tanks that can work with pumps like that but you are always running the risk.