How much is a roll? I cannot find the price on the HD website.
I forget exactly but less then $10 I believe.
How much is a roll? I cannot find the price on the HD website.
I'm wondering what settings those with 125 gallon 6-foot tanks are using with their WP40's? I've got two and they are over powering my tank. One WP40 seems to be plenty but would love some tips on how to properly use both.
This is from post number 3 of this thread
The next right side +(red) -(blue) are the ones connected to the controller internals 24+ and 24- points
For the wire to connect to the apex VDM ports, you can buy the Neptune cable ~$15, or do the following.
Cut one end off a Cat 5e ethernet cord.
Keep the following wires:
orange/white wire (positive) - orange wire (negative)
blue/white wire (positive) - green wire (negative)
When plugged into the first VDM port, blue/white wire, green wire is V1, oranges are V2
Second port, blue white green is V3, oranges V4
Well, its a bit excessive but i programmed the Apex for a somewhat random pattern.
It invovles 7 different profiles, 6 virtual outlets and one variable outlet (or two, three, depending on how many pumps you have). I have two WP-25s that are both hooked up to the apex through the RA cables.
All are ramp profiles with a ramp time of 1 minute. Note: i kinda programmed mine backwards, if you do this from scratch you can put them in order
PF_1 40%
PF_2 60%
PF_3 70%
PF_4 80%
PF_5 90%
PF_6 100%
PF_7 50%
ramp up from 30 to 70 over 2 minutes
ramp down from 70 to 30 over 2 minutes
ramp up from 50 to 100 over 2 minutes
ramp down from 100 to 50 over 2 minutes
ramp start and finish at 30%
Variable speed outlet:
Set PH_7
If Outlet AMtoggleUP = ON Then AM_UP
If Outlet AMtoggleDWN = ON Then AM_DWN
If Outlet PMtoggleUP = ON Then PM_UP
If Outlet PMtoggleDWN = ON Then PM_DWN
If Outlet PHtoggleNT = ON Then PH_NT
If Outlet V_PH1 = ON Then PH_1
If Outlet V_PH2 = ON Then PH_2
If Outlet V_PH3 = ON Then PH_3
If Outlet V_PH4 = ON Then PH_4
If Outlet V_PH5 = ON Then PH_5
If Outlet V_PH6 = ON Then PH_6
If FeedA 000 Then Feed_PH
Virtual outlets:
Fallback OFF
OSC 000:00/000:30/000:45 Then ON
If Time 18:00 to 10:00 Then OFF
If Time 13:00 to 15:00 Then OFF
Fallback OFF
OSC 000:30/000:30/000:45 Then ON
If Time 18:00 to 10:00 Then OFF
If Time 13:00 to 15:00 Then OFF
Fallback OFF
OSC 001:00/000:30/000:45 Then ON
If Time 18:00 to 10:00 Then OFF
If Time 13:00 to 15:00 Then OFF
Fallback OFF
OSC 001:30/000:30/000:45 Then ON
If Time 18:00 to 10:00 Then OFF
If Time 13:00 to 15:00 Then OFF
Fallback OFF
OSC 002:00/000:30/000:45 Then ON
If Time 18:00 to 10:00 Then OFF
If Time 13:00 to 15:00 Then OFF
Fallback OFF
OSC 002:30/000:30/000:45 Then ON
If Time 18:00 to 10:00 Then OFF
If Time 13:00 to 15:00 Then OFF
OSC 000:00/002:00/002:00 Then ON
If Time 16:00 to 14:00 Then OFF
If Outlet PMtoggleUP = OFF Then ON
If Time 16:00 to 14:00 Then OFF
OSC 000:00/002:00/002:00 Then ON
If Time 20:00 to 08:00 Then OFF
If Time 10:00 to 18:00 Then OFF
If Outlet AMtoggleUP = OFF Then ON
If Time 20:00 to 08:00 Then OFF
If Time 10:00 to 18:00 Then OFF
If Time 19:59 to 08:00 Then ON
In summary, this is what the programming does:
From midnight to 8:00 the powerheads run at 30%
From 8:00 to 10:00 the pumps go from 30%-70%-30% over 2 minute ramps
From 10:00 to 13:00 the pumps vary randomly between 40-100%
From 13:00 to 15:00 the pumps go from 50%-100%-50% over 2 minute ramps
From 15:00 to 118:00 the pumps vary randomly between 40-100%
From 18:00 to 20:00 the pumps go from 30%-70%-30% over 2 minute ramps
From 20:00 to 24:00 the powerheads run at 30%
I'm sure there is an easy way to program it but this is what i came up with.