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Pro hobby anti profit!
Staten Island ny
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Just out of curiosity .......has anyone on this forum ever given something to another reefer only to see that your free item is now being sold a few days later by the person you gave the item to?

I was chatting with a very close friend of mine and he explained to me that this has happened to him , this has happened to other friends of mine throughout the years and it was a big to do about exposing the person and bringing it to light on the open forums.

What would you do if this happens to you?

This thread is not a sound off and hang em thread , and I'm not looking for names of people or any finger pointing so please keep it respectful , and if anyone feels I'm over reacting feel free to express that as well.

I just believe that if I give you 2 frags of anything for the sake of friendly reefing or free trading on Monday , that I shouldn't see those same frags on sale for profit gain on Thursday! Slap in the face or not!? .


renegade reefer
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Listen this happens all the time and to be honest sometime putting that person on blast get u the hot seat for speaking the truth making it tough to reef at times

Make hard to be nice cause u don't always know who the bad apple is do what u r mind tell u is right to shine light on the wrong doing that what I would do happy reefing bto


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It usually only happens to me if it's the first time I've dealt with the person. The people that I constantly buy/sell/trade with never sell what I gave them for free, in fact I usually see them posting it on the freebie thread when it grows out. I do sell a lot on here but only something that you dropped a lot of money for and want to make something back so you can put more into the tank. selling something that someone gave you out of generosity is foul.


Experienced Reefer
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Not to throw anyone under the bus but 1 of the above members look like is selling frags from a colony that looks pretty familiar to 1 i saw in a store.
This is why i dont post much on this forum because people do this all the time. I traded a few frags just to see 1 polyp for sale a day or 2 later


Pro hobby anti profit!
Staten Island ny
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Not to throw anyone under the bus but 1 of the above members look like is selling frags from a colony that looks pretty familiar to 1 i saw in a store.
This is why i dont post much on this forum because people do this all the time. I traded a few frags just to see 1 polyp for sale a day or 2 later

Ok if this is gonna turn into the blame game I'm gonna delete this thread , I'm asking 4 opinions not blame!!!


Experienced Reefer
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All due respect saltwaterinbrooklyn. But i didnt blame anybody. I just point it out that actually is happening right now in the for sale forum.
This is going to continue happening because theres a few members that try to recoup aome cash. Like you said is ok to do it after a while when you frag produce a few more polyps (zoas) but to do it the same week??? Thats simply wrong


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It really is fowl but I understand the theory of recouping some money to direct it towards another reef purchase once that frag has grown and needs to be trimmed but not 2 days after it was given to you!

+1 If you drop big money on a coral, and frag it and sell it to out more money back into your reef with another coral purchase, I think that's fine.
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Well unfortunately this happen to me. And yes it happen the very next week i traded my frags.
Theres a few members that actually pass it along the freebies and i got a very few that we r all for trades no cash involved in any of our trades.
I even been giving ktar black hornets for free but i know they will not sell it.


Pro hobby anti profit!
Staten Island ny
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All due respect saltwaterinbrooklyn. But i didnt blame anybody. I just point it out that actually is happening right now in the for sale forum.
This is going to continue happening because theres a few members that try to recoup aome cash. Like you said is ok to do it after a while when you frag produce a few more polyps (zoas) but to do it the same week??? Thats simply wrong

No offense taken brotha you have 100% validity in what you said I just verified that myself but like you said , it is the sad reality , that's why I trade carefully and give to a close circle of reefers , I just hate the idea of anyone lining pockets by insulting the generosity of others.


Advanced Reefer
Queens, NY
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All due respect saltwaterinbrooklyn. But i didnt blame anybody. I just point it out that actually is happening right now in the for sale forum.
This is going to continue happening because theres a few members that try to recoup aome cash. Like you said is ok to do it after a while when you frag produce a few more polyps (zoas) but to do it the same week??? Thats simply wrong
Absolute slap in the face..... and Mr crab I know exactly what your talking about the colony looking familiar and all....lol


Advanced Reefer
Spackenkill NY
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You gave the frags to someone. They are his now. If he sells them or grows out then sells them. There is no difference.

I have seen people throw away free frags. Same thing. Kinda insulting to throw away though.

On the other hand all frags that I got for free was because of a purchase. I usually do not expect free frags for the same reason.


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What I tell people is, if you can't stomach what can possibly happen to your goodwill, then don't bother with the goodwill. It's just not worth the slighted feeling or the burn.

And from what I see, this behavior is quite prevalent here.


Advanced Reefer
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I been slapped, punched and kicked in the face over and over!#1 reason that I only deal with close nit friends on here and I never sell or give stuff away anymore...I'm an extremely genourous guy that goes above and beyond to help a fellow reefer out and many who dealt with me know the kind of guy I am! And to the people that do the stated obvious SHAME ON YOU! This is a hobby not a small part time business you grow in you tank...and you know who your are!

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