Sustainable use of the reef interms of coral collection, fisheries for food and tourisim is the only way to save many of the reefs in the world. Most of the countries that have reefs are by no means rich. If a sustainable harvest is done the local people will have a good and steady source of income. To them this could be their way out of poverty and earning money on a consistent basis. As a result the locals will be more open to ideas on conservation because a healthy reef is a profitable one and their future income depends on it.
If Wild harvesting is outlawed out right what do you think these people are going to do? They want to feed their families TODAY, not tommorrow, not next week, not next month but TODAY!! So they will turn to other means that reap maximum returns in the shortest period of time by cyanide fishing, dyanmite fishing etc. Can you blame them? NO, as they are just trying to feed their families. Which would you choose
1) Food on the table for your family
2) Pretty little fish swimming in the ocean
You have to remember that these people aren't collecting the animals for fun or to make us happy. It's very easy to sit in your house with a car in your drive way, a fridge full of food and a bank account with lots of money and say "All wild coral harvesting should be banned!".
Instead of banning wild harvesting we should be pushing and supporting ways to sustainably harvest corals and capture fish. Mariculture facilities are another excellent way to protect the reef as well as help the local population.