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Dr. Reef- Athens is one of my favorite places. I am an alumn of UGA and I worked there in a plant off of Olympic Drive. They will convert you- don't worry.



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I've had my powder blue tang for a year now. I special ordered it, and it was collected in Bali. I was at the store to pick it up when it arrived, so it went straight from the ocean into my 135G tank, nice and fat.

I bought a bag of live brine shrimp while I was at the store, and fed the tang this while he was still in the bag acclimating. I did this hoping to get him eating immediately. Seemed to have worked. He'd eat live brine in the tank the next few days, and later started eating nori and formula two. I now feed him selcon-soaked nori, mysis shrimp, formula one and two, brine shrimp, and spirulina.

He's in the tank with a sailfin tang. Both fish were added the same week, and the sailfin tang was about four times smaller. There is not much fighting, except when I have my arms in the tank and they fight for the best hiding spot.

The powder blue is easily stressed by sudden fluctuations in temperature, so a chiller is a neccessity for me in the summer.

I've got some great pics, but nowhere to upload them.


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I've had my PBT for about 6 months now. I keep it in a 120 reef(60"x18"x26"), and it is in perfect health. There are no other large fish in the tank. I think that may be the key. Overstocking is a really good way to promote ich.


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My LFS will not carry them anymore. The owner tells me that 90% of what he has purchased over the years has not survived past 2 weeks, he has been in business for 15 years.


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After I cycled my 55 gallon tank, my LFS said a power blue tang would be a fine first addition. He was about 3 inches long and cost me $55 way back in 1990. Unfortunately, he lasted about 3 weeks or so.

Since then, I read and go to this board for advice. Take what I hear from the LFS with a grain of salt.

The power blue is a beauty, but IMHO needs a huge tank. Certainly bigger than my 55.


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My Powder Blue has been thriving in my 90 along with my desjardinii coming up on 3 years now. (I am planning on moving them into my 180 within the next week or so.)


IMO the key is proper collection & quarantine, a stable and mature system with a constant supply of nori & spirulina and cleaner shrimp.

Glenn R.


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When I first got into the hobby I was sold a powder blue to put in my 54 bow. Little did I realize the torture I was inflicting on the fish. He promtly contracted flukes and my futile attempt at setting up a hospital tank failed.
My heart was broken as well as my wallet.



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We've had a Powder Blue for over 3 years--first in a 120G tank, since July in a 300G. We feed it spirulina and vibagro mostly--no sea veggies, nori, etc. It eats like a pig, is very fat, has great color, and has grown considerably since we got him. Every few months it starts to rub on the sand for a day or two, then stops; I suspect this is the result of a minor ick outbreak which the fish seems to be able to handle on its own quite easily. It follows me whenever I come near the tank, chases the magnet when I'm cleaning, and is in general a very gregarious fish.

It was a major bully in the 120, but not so in the 300. (We have 2 other tangs, a copperband butterfly, a coral beauty, a flame hawk, bi-color blenny, two skunk clowns, and a bunch of "convict" damsels in the tank with it.)



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A slight update to my previous post. I added an emperor angel to the tank last weekend and the PBT and emp are just fine with each other. They are quite similar in size. The PBT looked at the angel sideways for a day but they get along swimmingly.


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Nice statistical summary!. Thought I'd post a picture of mine. In 120 gal for 7 months. Great fish!


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OK so we have flushed out the fortunate few (who I envy) who have had success in keeping powder blue tangs for a while.
Lets now hear from the other 4 or 5 thousand reefers on this board who have killed at least one in a real endeavor to keep one.
I ask this with the greatest respect (not a flame).
Those who have posted please let us know how many of you failed at least once with the powder blue before your success.


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Mine made it 4-5 days - the lfs said it would make a fine first fish. I've got a 75g, he looked and acted healthy, ate like a champ, then one night it got a few spots of ich, something weird happened to his mouth (it got all blistery looking) and the next morning it was dead.

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