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Here's a picture of an acropora from John Rice's personal web page: http://www.globaldialog.com/~jrice/coral_page/bushyensis.htm

Now, check out Aquacon's specials at https://www.aquacon.com/specials.html and you'll notice that towards the bottom of the page, Aquacon is running John's photo. Several other photos on the page similiarly are from other sources. No where are the photos properly credited. John Rice is being contacted; I rather suspect he will have been completely unaware his image was being used.

Fixed your link too, Charles. -Chucker

[ January 28, 2002: Message edited by: Chucker ]</p>


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Good eye! Exact same photo.

Here's Rice's pic off his site:

Then here's the pic off of Aquacon's site:

Let's hope that he gave them the OK to use his pics, otherwise, that's pretty un called for.

[ January 28, 2002: Message edited by: monkeyboy ]

Fixed your link to John's pic- .htm links don't work in the IMG tag

[ January 28, 2002: Message edited by: Chucker ]</p>


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I had to get the properties off the photo in Monkey's reply and paste it into my browser, but it is definately the same photo.

[ January 28, 2002: Message edited by: SKBok ]</p>


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John's pics seem popular for commerical sites to use unauthorized. People think that if it's on the net if free for them to use I guess.

There were some threads on RC a while back that make this seem like the least of Aquacon's worries though if I remember correctly.

FWIW, Nathan


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Good eye! Exact same photo.

I can't take credit for this one. A gentleman on RAMR is actually the one who spotted it (anyone interested, the thread there is entitled 'Unbelievable!'). However, it's worth noting that several other images on that page of aquacon's appear identical to images that belong to other sources, as well. Once I started looking for such, several immediately stuck out as familiar.

I received an email from Albee (anyone not aware of it already, Albee is an Aquacon employee) a few minutes ago, who says "Yes it looks the same".

I hope to hear a response from John Rice before too much time passes.


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Yes, it's unbelievable. Unfortunately, it's also probably pretty common
. I've posted pictures of mine here and there on the web, but I was still amazed when AOL opened their Marine Photo Library back up, and as a host/monitor, I asked people to upload their pics to the library. I check back a week later, and about 5 of my pictures are in the library under someone else's name....I was not amused. Some people are just that way



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ROFL! Those darn AOL members at it again.

You can do like Charles and I do. You can embed a "digital watermark" in your photos and then you can search the web for people that steal them.

Then when you find someone that is using them, you just send them an invoice...



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How do you tell who actually took the original photo? With digital pictures there is no negative to show who has the original?

What would keep someone from stealing someone else's pic, watermarking it and then passing it off as their own?

I might do that on your fiji pic I use for my wallpaper on my computer!


[ January 29, 2002: Message edited by: npaden ]</p>


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<blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by cjdevito:
<strong>(anyone not aware of it already, Albee is an Aquacon employee)</strong><hr></blockquote>

Ahhh...things are much clearer for me now!


jake levi

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I have never done any business with 'aquacon', having been warned off by some friends who told me to consider carefully what their name actually means.


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<blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by jamesw:
<strong>You can do like Charles and I do. You can embed a "digital watermark" in your photos and then you can search the web for people that steal them.</strong><hr></blockquote>


Not having the book "digital Photography For Dummies," how does one do that?



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This kind of thing is very common. I'd estimate only about 10% or less gets discovered.

About a year ago we caught LampsNow (now called "HelloKitty", uh.. I mean "HelloLights"
) using photos of PC lighing parts "lifted" from our site. They took them down after we send them a polite email asking that they be removed. Still, I was amazed at the balls required for an e-commerce site to steal product photos from another e-commerce site in a hobby this small. Did they think we never look at the competition?

When it comes to proving it's your original digital photo, we didn't have to in this case, but we did have the original before the background was cropped out. You can even see part of the store in the background. That makes it pretty hard to argue with. If it's a coral or tank photo, you should be able to shoot additional photos of the same coral to prove your case.

As far as digital watermarking, you can do this in Photoshop. It's in the "Filters" menu.

[ January 30, 2002: Message edited by: MattM ]</p>


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<blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by albee1947:
Mind, How was it possible for you not to know. For the last year every post about Aquacon has had my name mentioned at least once. I don't hide it. At least I have the gnads to stand up for something. beit wrong or right.

So I wont get into it here as at reefcentral. Its hard to have a conversation with closed minded, word twisting, know it alls. if this description fits then wear it. If not than it ws not meant for you.

See no bad language or no name calling.</strong><hr></blockquote>

Quite honestly, I had no idea! As for your "gnads" you must have a very impressive set because you seem to bring them up at every chance. Also, I hope you're not implying that I twist words, am a know it all, or that I'm a closed minded individual. My comments come from experience (whether hands on or through books), and should someone prove me wrong I'm the first person to admit my mistake. Anyone who knows me, knows this. No name calling here either....well, maybe that SOB Chucker
but lord knows he deserves it!

[ January 30, 2002: Message edited by: MiNdErAsR ]</p>


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Well i I must say, Their OK

Mind,, If you don't fit the profile than it was not meant for you. I have no problems with you. I have no problems with people knocking "aq". Just some people go way out of their way.

If "AQ" goes under, So be it. It's only a 1 day a week thing. Not my primary career. It just pays for my tank.

I hope no hard feelings.


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Albee, I'd be very careful about claiming a company you work for has its own rules. If you work for a company, that is committing fradulent actions, and you know about it, but did nothing about it, the law considers that you are just as guilty as those who made the fradulent actions/claims. Many people have ended up with big fines, and some jail sentences as a result. Also, I don't know why you'd mention that reefc would be a better place to discuss this, unless your afraid of the flak you may get, as the censoring over there is pretty active, from what I've heard.


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Taz I appreciate your concern, I didn't say we should talk about it over there. we did talk about it over there. I stated that i wont talk about it here at all. And trust me I am not in anyway afraid of any flak. I know that CJ posted this here just to get me to answer, he even stated that over at reefcentral, " I'll post it on reefs, this way albee can answer it there". Or something like that. But you need to also be careful, You can't just say "fraudulant", with out proof, There's no telling what Ron might do. Just look at what is happening to those members who are being sued by Petswharehouse.

I have no controll over what Ron does, And believe me I'm bullet proof. " as it comes to Aquacon" you have to trust me on that.

But thanks anyway.

[ January 30, 2002: Message edited by: albee1947 ]</p>

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