mokeyluv":y7b72ru7 said:
Hrmmm.. Has anyone ordered from ?
They have been around at least a year. But nobody has posted and I haven't ordered yet. The prices they have seem too good to be true. Check out their Ampmaster 3k.
I ordered from them a couple times in 99. They had excellent prices, were knowledgeable, and shipped stuff quickly. Back then I was thinking of going to a sump with a micron bag. They were one of the few places selling that setup. Everone on the message boards acted like I was nuts so I just forgot about it.
I'm just becoming interested in the hobby again. I ordered 55 watt, 4 pins in a line, pc bulbs from:
They responded via emails very quickly. I ordered 2 10,000k bulbs. 2 ultra actinic bulbs, and 2 50/50 10,000k/ultra actinic bulbs. They sent me 2 blue bulbs by mistake. I think the are the 7100k blue bulbs. They quickly answered my email. They gave me the option of keeping the bulbs since they are the same price. Or they said I can return the bulbs. Then they would send me the correct ultra actincs and refund my shipping. Excellent prices on pc bulbs.
$22 each for 10,000ks, 6500ks, ultra actinics, premium blue bulbs (71000ks), & 50/50 10,000k/ultra actinis. They also sell a cheaper blue bulb for fish only for $15. And they have other cobination bulbs like red/blue and red/white.
I also ordered from Premium Aquatics last week. Ordered dry goods Sat morning and received them Mon morning. Always got extremely quick shipment from them. I'm talking about their cheap regular shipment prices. I forget where they are located. But I live in Chicago and it was common for me to receive dry good orders within 2 or 3 days at the most.
Places I recently ordered from:
Premium Aquatics: 10 8 They made a mistake on an item. But they quickly responded to my emails and offered to fix it fairly.
pet warehouse: 9
Places I ordered from in the past; drygoods
Pet Warehouse 9
Premium Aquatics 10 because of the extremely fast delivery
Custom Aquatics 10 because of the excellent prices
Champion Lighting 9
Hamilton Lighting 7
Debron Aquatics 9
Pet Solutions 9
Dr Foster & Smith 9
Flying Fish Express 9
Jeffs Exotic Fish 9
Marine Depot 9
That Fish Place 9
RC STeele 9
Live goods I've ordered from in the past
Premium Aquatics 9
Aquacon 8
CQuarium 5
Flying Fish Express 9
Harbor Aquatics 9
Inland Aquatics 8
Jeff's Exotic Fish 8
Marine Center 8
It's been a couple years since I order from most of the places. From about 00, 01 & until last week I just mostly let my tank go. I fed the 6 fish and few corals. A couple cabbage or lettuce. 1 buble coral, 1 polyps, 1 button coral. So some of those 9s above might have been 10s if my memory was fresher. I guess I've been pretty satisfied with most of my phone & internet orders. And when I've had a problem most of the places corrected it without much of a hassel. The one exception I think might have been CQuarium. I don't remember his name now. It might have been Adam. But he was the only one who ever gave me problems after he messed up an order. I'm not sure if it was him that sent one of my orders to an incorrect place in some suburb of Chicago. And I had problems with him checking on the order over the phone. And he couldn't track it. But after getting a tracking number I found it was sitting in a warehouse a couple hours away outside Chicago. This was on a Sat. My order was due on a Fri. If he would have furnished me the tracking # sooner or properly checked on the order, this would have been avoidable. I would have driven the couple hours each way & picked up the order. I wound up refusing the order when delivery was attempted on Mon. The order had been shipped on Thur morning and it finally came to my door Mon afternoon. That Sat I called my credit card co. & disputed the charge. Adam agreed it was his fault. He had the address I phoned him with written down. But he made a mistake when he put the address on the shipping label. Then he had agreed to refund my money. A month later I didn't receive it. I called him again and he made excuses. But he told me to contact my credit card aqain he would would admit my dispute was valid. I think his excuse was that he had lost my credit card info. That was my one bad experience in about 20 orders with live stuff and about 40 orders with dry goods.