These people never think of the damage that is being caused from the 1000+ watts per hour their tank is consuming.
It is IMO the collection of fish and "live rock" that ironically does the most damage. And that pales in comparison to other, non-hobby stressors.
The electricity used by our hobby pales in comparison with what is needed to run Air Conditioners around the globe, just to name one other relatively small consumer of power.
The electricity used by our hobby pales in comparison with what is needed to run Air Conditioners around the globe, just to name one other relatively small consumer of power.
I think the point being made here is that it matters little who causes the most damage when we who supposedly love the reef the most are contributing to it's demise with our little hobby. The point about electricity being even in the tank that is the most environmentally friendly, it will still need electricity which in turn can cause a negative impact some where down the line. Not that I'm suggesting that everyone turn their lights off get rid of their tanks and move to a farm, but (to me) the idea that this hobby benefits the reef is ludicrous.