I must be different than the norm....cuz even though I do have a busy lifestyle like Lynn mentioned....2 children (2 boys-a 5yr old, and 1 grown up child that acts 5

), 2 dogs, a cat, a full time job, an apartment to clean, a car to keep up, typical female craziness - I still find time to deal with my 75g reef....and my 3 other tanks: 75g tank of cichlids, 20g fresh, and 30g Gar tank!!! Yes, I have 4 tanks (& they're all mine, thank you). 8O ...now, I do have less gadgets than most guys who 'tech out' their tanks, I have to admit, but I have to say my reef is a success going on 2 yrs this coming February, with it being the closest to a 'natural setup' w/ skimmer, as possible. But I did just upgrade my lighting w/ a custom-built canopy w/ VHOs/MH/PCs, and NOs - woo hoo.

...But if you ask me, the time and months of research-and continued research (mostly internet, books, more books, communication, clubs, asking, etc....), it took me to learn the CORRECT, responsible, accurate way to successfully set up and run my tank w/out all those gadgets seems more of an accomplishment to me. :wink: To not be able to need a sump, or a wet/dry filter, or a huge refugium, or fall for the next gimmick/miracle equipment, or feel the need that kalk is the ONLY way to go, etc., etc....but utilize patience, and realize this is a learning process and a commitment w/ awesome payoff...and to be a female, at that, 8O well, I must be an alien race.

...And I do have a significant other, and yes he does want to relax after work, like most men (or people, if you ask me). And he has NO clue about how to deal w/ my reef or the other tanks, or even do a water change-freshwater, even. So,
Oh yeah, he also threw a fit when he got frustrated about how to hook up his new dvd/home theater with the tv, stereo, cable box, vcr, and play station cuz he couldn't figure it out - and had to hand the job over to me. I always have to set the vcr and entertainment equipment/hook ups too. :lol:
...And lastly, I can rival any internet-geek on this site...I'm lurking 100% of the time during the day, messaging, etc..... oh, & my man doesn't even have access to the computer. :wink: Yes, I work all day too.
And no, that's not all; I also LOVE scuba diving.