ew ew pick me! this sounds like fun. I like the idea of who can build the best the cheapest, that could be a fun contest. As far as the ten gallon goes. I think it would be a good idea to put a market value on everything in regards to budget. Due to the fact that alot of people have killer equipment laying around, whereas Ill have to buy all of mine. So i propose this:
1. There should be a concensous majority vote on the tank size, but no bigger than 30 gallons. I have a spare 29 laying around that I was going to use for a sump for my 55 eventually, but even my cheap ass can afford a vanilla 10 gallon so my vote goes for it.
2. There definitely needs to be a "budget cap." Again, a majority vote handled with a simple poll. All expendatures need to be kept track of in an excel sheet or some derivitive.
3. All usages (except stands) and livestock need to go against your set budget @ market value, or decide on a single website for baseline price for equipment. Meaning that even if you have a deltec skimmer, 200 gallon sump, and 4 tunze streams laying around, it will still go against you @ market value. In regards to livestock. Market value for a frag of a certain coral at a comparable size will go against your budget regardless of where it came from or how you got it. I excluded stands in this because the competition is for the tank, and if someone wants to build a killer, expensive stand to put the tank somewhere in their home, I dont think they should be docked for it. It should just be ommitted from the overall appearance of the tank itself.
4. There needs to be different categories for the tanks, just like skating, to decide the final scores, all out of ten, and all in a majority vote for each tank. Categories should encompass livestock choices; aquascaping; design and ingenuity; color and aesthetics; naturalism (removal and hiding of powerheads and wires) and anything else you can think of. Total score will reflect these sub-scores.
5. This will have to be on the honor system, and would just be a friendly, fun thing to do. So play nice.
Anything else?