Well, with the Red Sea test kit....and all the drops...I got these readings: ph is 8.2, alkalinity is "high", and nitrates......well, test said <2.5. Another mystery has also been solved. After three days of missing at sea, the little pink-tipped anemone has surfaced between two rocks, all flowered out as if it never disappeared. I guess that means time for a meal. So, would everyone agree that I can now try out the new light (it should arrive any day) and is 130 watts power compact and make a couple of small additions to the tank? One will be a clownfish and one coral, don't know what kind yet?
If everyone agrees this tank is in adequate shape...I will go ahead and remove the bio-wheel tomorrow...obviously the new filter media will not cause immediate problems overnight...and then I can start working on the same problems with the 30 gallon.
Thanks, thanks, thanks to all who replied and helped...let me know if you think I am now safe. Will spend some time working on a sump/refuge, but will not hurry with it.