My tank looked alot worse than that a few weeks ago, my ac went out for a week in june while I was away, 90% loss, clams,sps's a huge bloodred and neon green blasto that started in my tank as a single polyp,and a whole lot more, needless to say, I was mad and just lost interest, and let it stew for several months, I'm stuck at home now due to some major back surgery, so after several weeks of being forced to see my ever so craptastic tank, I got to work on it as soon as I was able to maintain an upright position, paid some kids in my building to help with the water changes, hoisting 5 gallon buckets of saltwater head high isnt a good thing right after getting your spine hacked, in less than 4 hours I had the tank semi respectable looking, had about 3" thick hair algea covering all 4 sides, a couple razor blades and 10 minutes later thats taken care of, and my tanks actually looking pretty interesting now, you could do a lot with that tank in just one afternoon if you felt like it