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Matt_Wandell":2hczhlly said:
cjdevito":2hczhlly said:
I know you give a mention of chromis vanderbilti already, but might be worth expanding on it. I got four of'em last week and I'm just blown away by them. I'd think they'd be perfect in a nano.
Oh yeah, those are great little fishies. How much interspecific aggression are you seeing? How big of a tank is it?

I got a group of 6 Apogon compressus the other day, by the way. Their eyes shine bright blue! 8)

A. compressus is nice. Gets a little large, though, moreso than most cardinals.

The vanderbilts are in a 40, along with 5 threadfin cardinals. Totally peacful with the cardinals, they don't pay any attention to them whatsoever. Amongst themselves they engage in a bit of 'dart-and-chase', but it's pretty minimal and only lasts for a second before they break off pursuit. Part of that might be because my tank is riddled with caves and crevices (designed that way for the cardinal's benefit) so they have easy means of breaking line of sight.

Adding them really made a huge difference in encouraging my cardinals to not be so shy.

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