I think your well on your way to proving everybody wrong
doesnt believe this, especially in a 75g with that many fish and type of fishHey, glad to see another cannister user..I'm running my 75 with an Eheim 2217 and an Eheim 2227 wet/dry.. I also have a HOB berlin turbo skimmer, turbo-twist uv, a DIY HOB fuge, about 100 pounds of LR and 100 pounds of LS and a couple of koralia 3's.. Tank has been up and running for about 8 months now with out a problem.. My bio-load includes a hippo tang, yellow tang, two clowns, two black clowns, 2 glider/sleeper gobies (which are amazing sand sifters), a borbonius anthias, a midas blenny, two skunk shrimp, and a six line, a bunch of hermits, snails and other inverts, 3 anemones, and a bunch of zoas, gsp, candy canes, brains, frogspawn, toadstools etc.. My nitrites, nitrates, amonia, and everything else is at 0. No problems at all here. =)
wasnt doubting you had all the fish or what you were using for equipt, just with the type of equipt that you have, zero across the board on number's. what kits are you using nice looking tank btw
Eddie that's ballin. Glad to see Canister filters are being used.
While on the topic... I have a Canister filter that I think I am going to make into a denitrator. After some vigorous reading and looking at denitrator companies. The Fluval 304 I have has 3 trays I believe if not 4.
I was thinking of running Chemi-pure Elite in one Tray, d*nitrate media from SeaChem in one tray, and then Purigen in another. Anythoughts on this?
I'm still curious to see what would have happened without the skimmer. Run it canister only for 6 months and see what happens!
I'm still not sure I understand why a canister by itself would lead to a tank crashing. If you blow the rocks periodically,clean the canister every 2 weeks and remove all the gunk, there is no way you can get buildup for a tank crash.
It seems like it could only crash with poor maintenance, which would happen with any setup. A skimmer would be more forgiving for poor maintenance, but in the long run i would assume a tank with just a skimmer would crash too.
Sorry I'm not going to be a guinea pig any longer. Things are just going too well and you don't mess with a good thing.