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Northern Jersey
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i wish i knew what the dif is. because if the magnesium is raised high with kent, and then magnesium is raised high by another brand chamical, and it only works for kent, then maybe its not the magnesium killing it at all, its the other ingredient in the kent chemical.


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Northern Jersey
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i just looked up the ingredients for both...

im sure there may be other chemicals, but all it says is:

KENT Tech M Magnesium:
De-ionized water, Magnesium Chloride, Magnesium Sulfate

ESV B-Ionic Magnesium:
Cleaned & Polished Water, Magnesium Chloride, Magnesium Sulfate

the only difference i notice is when i put the kent into the tank, the chemical turns into a white cloud for a few seconds. the ESV just like like your pouring a chemical in the tank, like water when it has that wavy unclear look when poured into salt water.
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Northern Jersey
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Funny also I had my mag high for a while ,and never had alegea its now at 1300 and I havesome algea

haha see. there is another person who said the same thing. i talked to a few guys and they all said "ya know, now that i think about it, when i ran high mag, i never had algae" lol. thats why fingers crossed that this works. ill tell you what, it might just be me, but i really think the bryopsis is slloowwwwlllyyy dying already. ill try to take a picture with my phone, but the branchlets and dissapearing and the stalks are turning white. its only been day 4 or dosing but still. fingers crossed! lol

arati thanks for that, ill read it now...
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Neptune, NJ
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i just started dosing mag about 3 days ago, 25ml every other day and my bryopsis seems to be melting away already. i did see my peppermint shrimp out and about during the day yesterday but he stayed hidden all day like usual today. the hair algae too has started losin its color and seems to be thinning a bit


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Northern Jersey
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jjersey85,which mag did you go with?

well im on.... uhhh day 6 maybe? so for bryopsis is melting away...but hair algae not so much, if anything its growing more. sooo no more mh on, and maybe ill try a quick brush job on the rocks to get rid of the big sections and see if it comes back or not. not quite up to the high levels yet though, kinda taking it slow so i dont stress anything out. my mag is around 1550-1600 right now. phosphate is still .5.


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Northern Jersey
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just picked up a better magnesium test kit, found out my magnesium is about 1560.

i must say..bryopsis is dying! and hair algae is ehhh.... starting to fade a guess...

so i will confirm.... ESV magnesium does kill bryopsis!



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Raleigh, NC
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Its not the ESV . Its the fact that you are raising the mag ESV has nothing to do with it

I've always read it's not necessarily the Mg that kills it. Some think it's an unknown byproduct in Mg supplements that kills it.

Kent Mg seems to be the "magical bryopsis killer" that people have the most success with.


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Far Rockaway
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I've always read it's not necessarily the Mg that kills it. Some think it's an unknown byproduct in Mg supplements that kills it.

Kent Mg seems to be the "magical bryopsis killer" that people have the most success with.

If you read the ingredients all it is ,is Deionized Water, Magnesium Chloride and Magnesium Sulfate that it on both ESV and kent Mg


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Raleigh, NC
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If you read the ingredients all it is ,is Deionized Water, Magnesium Chloride and Magnesium Sulfate that it on both ESV and kent Mg

Yes I know. People think it's some kind of impurity thats not listed that makes the Kent work better than others.

People have tried it with other brands and it didn't work. Then they try the Kent and it works for some reason. Nobody knows exactly why.

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