ReefOne (pronounced reef-phone) - the one place where we can all connect.
DamselInn - Damsels are usually in shoals; we, kinda, are (is?) a shoal of reefers. (Honestly I just wanted to combine ReefOne and DamselInn to have RO/DI)
BlennyBooth - like a blenny, it's a place where we can chill, kick back, and enjoy some convo.

ring: :ring: hello?)
BlennyBuzz - A buzz feature?
BlennyBook - (?) yea, kindastretching it.
GlassFace - cuz we always have our faces in front of a glass.
GurgleGalley - the noise we hope the overflow will never make; I like the kitchen.
ClamCan/ClamCam - the latter was if there's a video function; I like clams too.
Whale - Play on the word Wail but not so much in agony unless someone is trying to annoy you; because we can never keep one in any of our tanks; because they have awesome underwater sonic communcation. (Just double-u me, k? OR Hit me up on the double-u.)
JabberJunction - eh, you get why.