That is right about the mangrove seeds. You can use Paypal to process your credit card without creating an account with them. We use them because they are more secure than other payment processors, and have a good relationship with their development team.
order placed for my nano, and for mike nanchil is picking mine up and ty
4 dwarf planaxis
coarse cheato
10 dwarf cerith
5 nas vibex
5 blue leg hermits
1 penny macro
10 zig zag peri
Could anyone from Brooklyn or Manhattan hold my items for me for a couple of days until the weekend? I'll be out of town for work and won't be back until the weekend. Thanks in advance.
we will have it in on Tuesday of next week, and it will be available for the group order purchase. if you want me to invoice you for it and add it to the order just let me know.
I hate to keep beating the same bush. . . but is there someone arranging the group buy of members in queens? I'm very interested in participating in the group buy but just want to make the proper arrangements for the pickup.