Hundreds [ but not thousands] have been well trained already and stuck with it day after day, some for over for 20 years. I know that if Jorge met them and dove with them, his opinion of the capacity of village fisherman to change would be very different!
Not only can they change and collect more fish with nets...they are so valued for their talent that the cream of the crop has been skimmed and sent abroad to work in Tonga, Palau, Vanuatu, the
Red Sea and other places in the South Pacific. The non sense about catchability of nets vs. drugs was decided already. Among divers trained properly, nets won hands down! All the hand nets and barrier nets .
Your favorite importers already know this! You should also!
The business people saw how good they were and took their talent from the country ! Its been a brain drain of sorts. In high tech industries its called "head hunting."
If these 'stars' remained in the Philippines, their efforts would've multiplied the numbers of net-collectors considerably by now. NGOs didn't even know this til recently because they were not privy to inside information. Information that has been well known inside the trade for quite some time now!
The new generation of Filipino fish collectors are the best collectors in the world!
It happened and continues to. Now the task is to train those left behind to a better standard and to hopefully keep em in the country this time! Then, their numbers can multiply on their own as we train still more.
Training divers is not that hard . Its training everybody else that is so difficult!
Sincerely, Steve
Hey, can I change my name also?
I wanna be "threadkiller" or something like that.