Kalkbreath":1rtp1475 said:The first place to start with any reform., is to accurately assess the current state of affairs There is sizable collection for this hobby in only about seven countries: Fiji, Philippines, Jakarta, Bali, Solomons, Tonga.
You lost me... When exactly was it that Jakarta, the capital of a country called Indonesia, ceded from said country and formed its own separate entity? Isn't that what Aceh was trying to do, and is now embroiled in civil war?
{snip} our involvement is so tiny that its insignificant. Cleaning up our image, the needless fish deaths and the quality of product is what we should be focusing on ...........
How about focusing on the rather significant amount of damage that our hobby does do to the reefs? As well as how we could better prevent needless fish deaths and increase the quality of fish. Once we get those licked, and only then does this hobby deserve to a concerted campaign to clean up our image.
The way it stands right now, we are a target. There are people in power who want this trade to end. Being in the industry, I really can't get over how you consistently fail to understand this. You blame everything on the food fishermen, yet fail to admit that one MO cyanide fisherman is too many... To most of us here on the list, Kalkbreath, that makes you complicit in this dark side of the trade.
Let me put it this way: If you order from PI or Indo and you are not importing directly from one of two importers, you are getting fish that are juiced. Maybe not all of them, but a sizable percentage. This in not 'insignificant', as you claim. Each of those fish represent a dead patch of coral. Or eel-rubbings, as you like to call them.
Mike Kirda