logical reef":245louxe said:
Mary has spoke until I'm blue in the face about how she had the ONLY in your face, net caught, retail protecting, jobber killing, cyanide free from trusted suppliers...and was not supported a bit from AMDA.
AMDA had different goals then.
Mary":245louxe said:
And when I was on the BOD, we got a newsletter out every quarter and I created the AMDA message board so members could communicate with each other.
More evidence that AMDA is dead.
Mary":245louxe said:
That's not slander, that's truth. If you take things public, expect to get some opinions on it. And not all of those opinions are going to be to your liking.
Couldn't agree more. If AMDA's goals (as an organization) do not agree with your opinions, you'll just have to deal with it. You are more than free to express those opinions to your hearts content here, but forgive us if we do not move things as quickly as you would like. We are more interested in getting things done right, than doing things in a particular time frame.
Mary":245louxe said:
Anyone know where I can find some cool prizes online for cheap?
Check with the good docs.
Devils Advocate":245louxe said:
The use of the term "traditional store front" will be the spike in the heart of AMDA, IMO. All this arguing over etail, in all the forms that Mary has stated, is silly. This industry is changing and is not going back to the "traditional store front". The internet has changed almost all the retail sectors. If it's changed for the good is a matter for another debate.
I disagree, their are more than enough traditional storefronts that do not do etail to form a viable organization in theory. I practice may be a different story. But the numbers are there. We feel that traditional store fronts have a valid place in the industry, as does etail. No one is saying that the two are mutually exclusive within the industry, That only one can exist and thrive. Etail ain't going anywhere. Traditional storefronts are suffering due to the vast majority's lack of keeping up with the times. There is a new generation of independent pet store on the horizon that will chage the industry even further. The pet industry is growing faster than almost any other retail sector, and marine fish is certainly part of that. The traditional store front is looking into the future and seeing more and more companies fighting over fewer and fewer goodies. We strongly believe that the viability of the industry as a whole rest firmly on the backs of the traditional retailer. If anyone has any evidence that the industry can survive on etail alone I'd like to see it. The industry has grown into the industry it is today because of the sweat, time, and investment of the traditional retailer so chances are the industry would so just fine without etail. This doesn't mean that we think etail will ever go away, but we think the industry needs to change its priorities somewhat. I don't see this as anything other than normal business. You may disagree with the methods, or the goals, or the timing, but there's not much we can do about it now. You may also think we are putting the cart before the horse by opening up the discussion before the details are established. We see it more as having a cart with no horse and trying to decide which direction to go.
Mary":245louxe said:
Here's the AMDA Membership roster of only B&M retail stores that do not participate in etail:
Thanks for the tip Mary. I'm not sure why you posted it unless you are interested in improving the organization. Do you think (in your honest opinion) that the organization will increase in numbers if it takes a very strong pro retail stance?
Mary":245louxe said:
Just a suggestion- if you are going to tire of answering questions about something, please don't bring the topic into a public discussion forum. I thought the membership was declining because they were being picked off one by one by etailers. This burning series of questions is still unanswered:
Seems to me that it should have been strictly between the AMDA members until a firm course of action was decided. Have you taken a poll of the AMDA members or just sent out a letter? Is there a vote in the works? How is this new direction going to be decided?
Like I said- I think it already has been decided and this whole "we'll do what the members want" line was a smokescreen. Wasn't Randy trying to do that very same thing and you had a hissy fit, Mitch? I guess as long as your agenda is in place it's fine.
You started this thread. Seems to me that we have been more than gracious in the discussion, especially given that we aren't really in the position to be giving concrete answers yet. It would have been very easy to stonewall, or procrastinate or give a "wait and see answer" that has been the traditional response from such organizations in the past.
The letter was sent out to let people know the thoughts of the BOD. It asked for feedback from the members. The majority of the feedback was positive. None of the feedback gave us any reason to believe that the membership as a whole opposed the idea. Those who didn't respond were assumed to only be in it for the sticker.
So you are right. This whole thing has already been decided by the BOD as the direction we wish to take. We have sent out a letter by email and snail mail to every single member and we have posted it on multiple websites. We will also be publishing it in multiple trade magazines, as well as promoting it at the trade shows and conventions. You seem to be overlooking that fact that we haven't actually done anything yet. It's all talk. We continue to be open to discussion and concerns from the membership, and those who are potential members, (ie this thread). There has been no vote as of yet and that will be decided when we are actually in the position to do something. Currently there is nothing to vote on. But honestly speaking, what is AMDA outside of the BOD and a bunch of stickers? What does it really matter what the BOD of a defunct organization does?