Hello all. I have got to believe that there are many, many hobbyists and industry folks lurking in on these recent discussions. I usually don't post much on any of the reef/aquarium forums just to help reduce the noise level. However, I have decided that I would like to interject my opinions and ideas and my perspectives on some of these issues.
First, I would find it hard to take a definite side in any of the recent arguments as I believe that all sides have probably over dramatized the various positions and statements of each side. Race is obviously one passionate madman.
I am an avid supporter of one of the local B&M. The B&M is generally an avid supporter of one wholesaler (SDC) largely because of the cooperation, perceived quality and customer service offered to the B&M. I believe that B&M have been done wrong, but mainly not by livestock wholesalers, but by drygoods wholesalers. I don't think B&M are going away soon, but change is necessary. But thats a discussion for another thread.
I also believe there is a place for DRF&S for many reasons as well that I can explain else where in the appropriate threads. I only want to discuss part of it here.
From my perspective, as a hobbyist, and all of those hobbyists I know and have talked to, the advantage of DRF&S is primarily two fold: First, they offer fish that our local B&M will not order and secondly, our B&M will not and cannot guarantee for 14 days. The price of the offerings is a distant third consideration.
While I am sure that DRF&S is stretching their quality claims in a marketing effort, I would imagine that they do have and do take an interest in the overall quality of the livestock they have dropshipped. Beyond that sentiment, I really don't care what the exact language is as I am looking at availabilty and a 14 day guarantee.
While I really don't think my small market B&M can ever find a way to compete with the advantages of DRF&S, I certainly think that the big market B&M can better address the perceived advantage of DRF&S.
I spend several days a month in Atlanta. I hit the two big stores in the Marietta area and the big Buckhead area store. In my opinion they do a very poor job of trying to compete. I have spent some very serious dollars with one of these stores. This store absolutely refuses to discuss with me their preffered wholesaler or share with me availability lists on a weekly basis. I don't want to know his prices. This is such a huge mistake in my opinion, it costs him tons of business. To me the biggest sign in any B&M near the livestock area should be "If you don't see it ask. We can get anything as fast as anybody else." If the store will not share with me the livestock available to him or make it known that anything was available, those pretty DRF&S pictures become so much more enticing.