Well as for the local ATL stores, in my observation, some that have changed hands while successful, that are allegedly struggling now, that just might have something to do with management, as well as a changing marketplace.
Eric said:
You mention who's creating the hobbyists? Well I think the internet has been a great credit and source of information for newbies, and with all the cool photos and information online, it's alot easier to learn how to keep a marine aquarium these days by researching online, than by hoping you will get good advice from a busy retailer's $10/hr employee. So I believe it's both the retailer and the internet that generates newbies....and more sources than that. A newbie may go online and do a search for Saltwater fish....do you think that a petstore is going to be the first hit on their search? No..it will most likely be an internet based etailer. So yes, etailers will help generate newbies for the hobby.
Well no matter what the first thing a Google site recommends, odds are they have to find a LFS to get their tank to begin with, then they're going to find that they can get everything they need there, and the support to go with it.
And in my chats with customers when I ask them what prompted them to get into the hobby, mostly it's somebody else's tank that they've seen, not an Internet site or something like that. They've seen it firsthand, or they did it when they were younger, or something similar to that. I can't recall anybody ever saying, well I had this idea, so I googled, and here I am.
A lot of customers do find us through the Internet though - yellow pages are a thing of the past, but online directories and search engines are where it's at and that's how many of my customers find me, and of course referrals from existing customers still lead the way.
And while the online community is growing, I'd still venture to guess that the majority still choose not to avail themselves of online resources. If they did I wouldn't field so many of the same questions each day.
The way I see it, there are 2 choices for the independent - either carry anything and everything, OR cater to a very specific market, but ONLY if there's sufficient customers in your area.