At the risk of kicking a beehive...
On March 16, I emailed a question to Tropical Fish Outlet...
Today, 5 days later, on March 21, I received the following response...
I suppose if one wanted to argue semantics, perhaps they house *some* specimens, like Race and Marty do - but not "all"... I guess I may not have been specific enough in my question.
Have at it, kids
On March 16, I emailed a question to Tropical Fish Outlet...
I was wondering if you house your own specimens, or like Liveaquaria, do you have orders drop-shipped?
Today, 5 days later, on March 21, I received the following response...
"[email protected]" <[email protected]> hide details 12:55 am (22 hours ago)
to JennM <**********>
date Mar 21, 2007 12:55 AM
subject RE: Husbandry question
Dear Jennifer,
Thank you for visiting Tropical Fish Outlet. Yes, we do house our own specimens, and we only process on-line/phone orders. Our facility is not setup for customer drop ins. Please let us know if you have additional questions or if we can be of further assistance.
Thank you,
Member Support
Tropical Fish Outlet
Healthy Marine Life and Aquarium Supplies ~ Below Sea Level Prices
I suppose if one wanted to argue semantics, perhaps they house *some* specimens, like Race and Marty do - but not "all"... I guess I may not have been specific enough in my question.
Have at it, kids