A better question might be whether David Mainenti is qualiifed to lead the MAC as the Executive Director? Does he possess any experience working in the aquarium trade? Does he have any knowledge concerning collection methods, shipping methods, or with mariculture of marine organisms? Does he understand the economics through the chain of custody particularly the poverty faced by the fish collectors? Does he have administrative experience involving managing employees? Does he listen to their advice (a failing of the previous Executive Director). Does someone trained in aquapuncture become sensitive to the Filipino or Indonesian cultures? Does he speak any language other than English?
Why was he chosen, when several much better qualified candidates applied for the position? Last of all, I am told this position is not "Interim", so my question is whether the trade is willing to work with such a person, who's only real qualification seems to be that he was the MAC's Finance Director for about 4 or 5 years. My understanding is that the MAC's programs have been a failure and that their finances have declined precipitously.
Peter Rubec