Perhaps there is more than one means of testing fish for the presence of cyanide. I have the two papers published by Drs. Mak and Renneberg that I can forward to you at PDF files.
Of course, I also have the paper that I wrote with the chemists from the IMA that describes the cyanide detection test (CDT) that was used by the IMA under contract with the Philippine Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR). Six IMA CDT laboratories tested over 48,000 fishes from 1993 to 2001. I also helped to prepare the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) manuals used by IMA biologists conducting sampling and the IMA chemists. The SOP manuals are now used by BFAR staff conducitng cyanide testing.
Rubec, P.J., V.R. Pratt, B. McCollough, B. Manipula, J. Alban, T. Espero, and E.R. Suplido. 2003. Trends determined by cyanide testing on marine aquarium fish in the Philippines. Pages 327-340, In: J.C. Cato and C.L. Brown (eds.), Marine Ornamental Species: Collection, Culture & Cultivation, Iowa State Press, Ames, Iowa.